Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024

The Global WE: Mobilisation around our shared humanity

Amidst increasing geo-political conflicts, a rise in religious fanatism, widening wealth gaps, and the realities of entrenched racism, we are subject to an underlying crisis that threatens social justice – fractured relationships and indifference to suffering. We may...

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An ecosystem of responsible innovation

Participants will learn about how a government-steered ecosystem can help alleviate and prevent poverty in Hong Kong through social innovation. Various speakers will share how they have played different roles in making this ecosystem grow over the last 10 years. The...

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Who is responsible for quality education in India?

Civil society and governments can do so much. When talking about change in a country as large as India in terms of population, need and diversity, we need all hands on deck. This session focuses on identifying stakeholders that are beyond governments, schools,...

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The Complex as a Developmental Unit

A complex is a unit that is a self-thriving ecosystem led by the community. As seen with the school complexes with Adhyayan's work with the Systemic School Improvement Programme in Goa, this unit can be transformational. This session is aimed at bringing to light the...

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