Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024

Closing Ceremony

This is the official closing ceremony of the Catalysing Change Week 2022. Please join us in this celebratory ceremony with our members!

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Shifting the Global Narrative

The Social Sector is a partner in achievening the SGD’s. They provide last mile delivery of essential services in the most difficult circumstances, in developing and developed countries. In times of war and natural disaster, it is these individuals and organisations,...

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Becoming Net Positive: in conversation with Paul Polman

It is undeniable that the transition to a net positive, carbon-neutral society is a tough challenge for all of us and requires much of the current inter-sectoral collaboration and maximised efforts to be achieved. Following the COP26 in Glasgow, we call on Ministers...

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Pave the Way for Youth

The youth of our world has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. From lost education, work experience, and social development- young people have disproportionately been affected. At this year’s Y20 in Indonesia, one of the subthemes is on youth social...

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The Global Shapers and Catalyst 2030

With the largest youth population in history, there is an unprecedented opportunity for young people to take an active role in shaping the future. This generation has inherited enormous global challenges but has the ability to confront the status quo and offer...

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Climate Actions and Solutions

Ahead of COP27 in Egypt, we call on Ministers of Environment to be part of the process of co-creating and committing to a South-South Alliance for Equitable Green Development together with social entrepreneurs. We welcome your thoughts on how best we can address the...

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Universal Data Ownership

The current discourse about data, which is being mass accumulated, aggregated and processed around the world, inevitably raises the question of what is the extent to which all this powerful information transcends the core principle of human rights, thus further...

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The Global WE: Mobilisation around our shared humanity

Amidst increasing geo-political conflicts, a rise in religious fanatism, widening wealth gaps, and the realities of entrenched racism, we are subject to an underlying crisis that threatens social justice – fractured relationships and indifference to suffering. We may...

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