Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024

Social Justice Index

A panel discussion with stakeholders on the creation of a social justice index to support and advocate social justice within regions where populations are under a form of colonization and apartheid and injustice. Speakers' Bios: 1. Rana Dajani: Professor of molecular...

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Universal Data Ownership

The current discourse about data, which is being mass accumulated, aggregated and processed around the world, inevitably raises the question of what is the extent to which all this powerful information transcends the core principle of human rights, thus further...

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An ecosystem of responsible innovation

Participants will learn about how a government-steered ecosystem can help alleviate and prevent poverty in Hong Kong through social innovation. Various speakers will share how they have played different roles in making this ecosystem grow over the last 10 years. The...

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Alimentemos la integración

El modelo de integración de la Fundación Comparte por una vida Colombia, “Quédate en la Escuela”, tiene como propósito contribuir a la estabilización de los flujos migratorios mixtos y comunidades de acogida a través de un modelo integral con enfoque derechos,...

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Cambio Climática y Salud Pública | Puerto Rico y la Agenda 2030

Sesión educativa sobre los diversos impactos climáticos que ocurren en Puerto Rico y cómo afectan la salud pública. Se brindarán recomendaciones sobre cómo mitigar, prevenir y responder al cambio climático en el contexto caribeño. Se vislumbra que el profesor de Salud...

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