With live introductions and Q & A opportunities, this session will showcase the Webinar presented by the California Elder Justice Coalition about the Waterloo Restorative Justice Elder Abuse Project conceived and delivered by Arlene Groh, Executive Director. Developed over two decades ago, the Project remains one of the few programs of its kind globally serving older adults who have suffered abuse by care-givers, relatives and others. This session will show a video depicting how the Waterloo program used a Peacebuilding Circle to reduce the harm to family relationships following a case of financial elder abuse. The video’s producer and circle co-facilitators will discuss the benefits and challenges of applying restorative justice to elder abuse, potential applications and settings in which it can be used, and steps for implementing programs.
Catalysing Change Week | 1–5 May 2023
Solutions from the Frontlines
Restorative Justice and Healing for People Affected by Elder Abuse
10 May 2022 | 19:00 - 20:30
Problem solving session/thematic workshop
The hosts
Arlene Groh
Eva Marszewski
Lisa Nerenberg
Sustainable development goals
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal