Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024

Equipping funders in systems change

Equip you and your team in systems change capacity to effect lasting change! In 2021, the School of System Change set out to build an online learning environment for change funders from philanthropy, impact investors and the public sector to build systems change...

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Leveraging Exponential Change Through Broad-Impact Philanthropy

A lot has been said about Big-Bet Philanthropy. But what about Broad Bet-Philanthropy? What about attaining a broader impact across multiple thematic and geographic verticals? For example, we can help one or two nonprofits or social-good organisations. But what about...

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Systems Change in Action: Decolonising Aid & Philanthropy

The Chandler Foundation and Adeso's session at Catalysing Change Week will explore the theme of Action. We welcome all ideas, feedback, and partnership. Systems Change in Action: Decolonising Aid & Philanthropy Severe disparities exist in the funding structures that...

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The Catalyst Hub

Join us to develop a new, innovative funding concept, the Catalyst Hub. The Catalyst Hub is designed to catalyse impact driven funding by connecting funders with high-impact, systems change initiatives. The Hub has been co-created in partnership with leading systems...

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Social Stock Exchange

The Social Stock Exchange is being launched to aggregate capital from the increasing number of individuals and institutions who want to invest in societal good; and distribute it to qualifying social enterprises who have a long-term view on their impact. In the first...

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Financial Ecosystem for a self-reliant community

How sharing economy can lead to sustainable communities. Financing models for triggering sharing economy and setting off a chain reaction. Drishtee is working in the field of livelihoods and Financial Inclusion. However, we realise that the existing ecosystem does not...

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