From Empathy to Gratitude is the theme for Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs in 2021/22 to demonstrate that empathy and gratitude - traits commonly found in mothers - can be the quality that makes mothers better leaders not only at home but also at workplaces and the...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Vključevanje v cilje trajnostnega razvoja 2030
Lanska rast BDP v evrskem obmocju in EU je po tretji oceni 5,3-odstotna, je objavil Eurostat. Lanska 5,3-odstotna gospodarska rast v evrskem obmocju in celotni uniji sledi 6,4-odstotnemu koronskemu padcu v 2020 v obmocju skupne valute in 5,9-odstotnemu zmanjsanju v...
Impactful stories of quality education in a city with wealth disparity
Participants can learn from the two approaches in supporting children and teenagers who experience difficulties in their primary and secondary school learning. One approach involves offering ethnic minority children supplementary learning support outside school to...
Nurturing an inclusive future workplace through the iCorp model
Creating inclusive workplaces goes beyond the efforts of individual social entrepreneurs. The iCorp Model created by Dialogue in the Dark Foundation builds a consortium of collaborators who play different key roles in defining the future of work that embraces...
How Established Companies Can Catalyze Social Change with Entrepreneurs
We will discuss how established companies / large corporations can collaborate with social enterprises to catalyze social change. Companies bring various assets that combined with the innovation of global entrepreneurs and their niche market knowledge can bring new...
Technology enabling conscious consumption
Bring in stakeholders in government and senior corporates in India who work with crafts and villages to stimulate economic growth. Dialogue could involve participation of Reliance Retail, Fabindia, government advisors, master craftsmen from India, Indonesia, Italy and...
Funding the First Mile
Catalyst 2030 and the Sankalp Forum are collaborating on tackling the financial and non-financial needs when it comes to financing first mile interventions. From grants to debt and equity the approaches can be varied. Come to this session to hear from those funding...
Artisan Digi-preneurship – The New Formal?
The event will propose an emerging model that Creative Dignity ( CD ) is developing with Digital Empowerment Foundation ( DEF ) to nurture artisan youth at the cluster level in building digital services that link self-organised artisan units to a digital community of...
Not business as usual: how to build business models that blend profit & purpose
The session will cover an overview of the eight steps in the For-Purpose business model workbook and how to implement them. The workbook was developed in collaboration with Bayes Business School in the UK, from research with 10 for-purpose intermediaries in the UK...
SDG 14 clean ocean drive with tsuanmika project
sharing journey and story of the work done.