Joint session with the event "10 days of connection" hosted by Radical Partners
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Retos y Oportunidades Comunitarias para un Desarrollo Sostenible
En esta sesión fomentaremos una mesa redonda para exponer los resultados encontrados en los foros comunitarios realizados por "La Alianza Hispana para la Investigación Clínica y Traslacional en Puerto Rico". En la actividad se presentarán estrategias en políticas...
Foros sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en Puerto Rico
Se presentarán varios foros enmarcados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en el contexto de Puerto Rico y con un enfoque en los determinantes sociales de la salud y la promoción de la salud. Los foros permitirán educar e informar sobre los avances de los ODS en...
International Academy of Trial Lawyers Youth Restorative Justice Initiative
The IATL Academy has created a comprehensive model for Youth Restorative Justice, including best practices and policies for schools, police, county and courts, and promotes sharing of best practices with its Fellows to create and enable change in their own...
Ubuntu Leadership – Africa’s Gift to the SDG’s
A dialogue with Prof John Volmink on the powerful philosophy and practice of Ubuntu Leadership, the spaces where it is manifesting, and its relevance to our current world circumstances. How the practice of Ubuntu Leadership is an embodiment of civic consciousness, and...
The new paradigm of IT solutions in the Humanitarian sector
Humanitarian organisations need to be able to adapt quickly and react swiftly to rapidly evolving environments. They often face great challenges setting up tools and systems flexible enough to adapt to various projects, emergencies, countries, etc. In these systems,...
Youth Social Innovation in Emerging Markets: A Case Study from Kenya & Haiti
The key to accelerating social change in emerging markets lies in leveraging the abundance of resources that already exist within those contexts. Among these are young people’s passion and innovative ideas for developing their communities. This interactive panel...
Walking the Thin Line : Holding the Paradoxes of Nurturing Inside Out Youth Lead
A dialogue among diverse youth workers on principles of youth engagement. The session will be a conversation/ story sharing by youth practitioners from across the world who work with young people in different ways. We will learn from each other's experiences and talk...
Restorative Justice and Healing for People Affected by Elder Abuse
With live introductions and Q & A opportunities, this session will showcase the Webinar presented by the California Elder Justice Coalition about the Waterloo Restorative Justice Elder Abuse Project conceived and delivered by Arlene Groh, Executive Director. Developed...
Peacebuilding Circles and The Talking Piece
This session will be limited to 24 participants on a first come, first serve basis. Peacebuilding Circles offer a powerful process for building community, engaging meaningful and authentic participation, and even dealing with conflict restoratively. Such Circles are...