An informative discussion led by various key discussants with deeply rooted insight and experience on philanthropy, social change, movement building, inclusion and transformation, all talking about the impact that home grown African based philanthropy would have in...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Engaging Africa’s Philanthropists in Africa’s Development
Building on the philosophy of Ubuntu', the innate generosity of Africans and the resources at our disposal, the session looks to engage with philanthropic networks, organisations and individuals to provide expert thought on catalysing development. There would be a...
The Role of Youth in Fighting Food Insecurity
Our session is aimed at creating awareness about the role of youths in tackling food security, and calling on them to take positive actions henceforth. To achieve this, we plan to get together youths from different parts of the country to listen to fellow youths who...
Building Bridges for Impact & Launch of StartPoint
The objective of the Session: To discuss the importance of a platform such as StartPoint and spotlight other critical components for building a robust NGO sector across Africa. Through this launch event, we hope to increase awareness among funders and non-profit...
Testing circular foods systems in rural Ethiopia
We set out to describe the founding of our organisation and the journey that led us to circular food systems and regenerative agriculture as the main focus to fighting poverty and climate change in the most remote regions of Ethiopia. In partnership with IKEA...
Online and Offline Media Tools to educate youth
Problem-solving session in which participants will be able to learn and become aware of how miscommunication and disinformation can deepen stigmatization and hate speech between groups. With this session, we will train a critical global youth, capable of evaluating...
Impacto da Pandemia nas Mulheres e Resposta das Organizações Sociais
Segundo o IBGE, 63% dos domicílios abaixo da linha de pobreza são chefiados por mulheres. Na pandemia a situação dessa parcela da sociedade piorou. Conforme pesquisa realizada do Instituto RME, 42% das empreendedoras tiveram seus pedidos de crédito negados. Aquelas...
Understanding how to transform the world and organizations through a game!
Play the SIB Game; Learn about the SDGs through innovative solutions around the world; Process of creating ideas for world's socio-environmental problems related to the organization's strategy; Update on the world's current challenges and how we can solve them.
Colaboração para a geração de emprego e renda
Um dos grandes desafios de nossos tempos é a inclusão produtiva e a geração de emprego e renda, um dos caminhos para a redução das desigualdades e justiça social. Problema complexo, exige o comprometimento do setor público, empresarial e sociedade civil. Colaboração...
Inclusive education in multilingual and multicultural settings
Inclusive education in multilingual and multicultural settings is at the top of the agenda in many regions of the world. The conversation will be concentrated around the preparation and professional development of teachers at schools and how they can ensure the...