Hear directly from four social entrepreneurs, three students and two business executives about their experience, the lessons learned and the impact of the programme on them. The main take-aways are: 1. Learn how the SURE programme works to benefit both students and...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Empathy Project
Responsible Ecosystem" is a term used by SociopreneurID to describe a future society where everyone will take a role to improve their surroundings. People in this society will be responsible not only to themselves but also to other people and, the Planet. However, the...
CCW Happy Hour
Happy Hour is an open and agendaless space, where people can connect in authentic ways and get to know each other in a relaxed environment. There will be break-out rooms to join and move around to meet, chat and play together. We look forward to having you join our...
Conversation coffee
The conversation coffee approach of collaboration and its importance to us.
In the mirror of Tamkeen – realising a humanising society
Karima Kadaoui (Tamkeen) and Louis Klein (EUSG) will share, in conversation, the story of Tamkeen. It is a story of growing a shared understanding of governance and change in social ecosystems realising the magnitude of silent transformation in metamorphic fields. It...
Supporting refugees and displaced people to develop real-world English skills’
'Knowledge of' vs 'ability to use': Supporting refugees and displaced people to develop real-world English skills’: Arizona State University, the Connected Learning in Crisis Consortium, Mosaik, and the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism at the University of...
Investing in leadership and management to catalyze progress against the SDGs
We believe that a better world is possible, a world with universal access to essential healthcare, reduced inequality, more sustainable food supplies, transformed educational systems, and a greater emphasis on the long-term health of our planet. To achieve this, we...
Challenging Exclusions in Education, newer and entrenched ones
Shared learnings from stakeholders fighting entrenched exclusions such as untouchability and gender discrimination and the newest one - the Hijab ban. Advocacy groups share how they have demonstrated repeatedly that online and digital solutions deepen the divide....
Harness the unique contribution of young people to solve social problems
You will hear directly from young people how they have created projects and are following their passion to address local, national and global issues related to the Global Goals. The session will cover: real world case studies shared by young people; how to support...
Catalyst Co-Labs Ignite Collaboration
What is a Co-Lab? How can you use the Co-Labs model for igniting collaboration across an extensive network to solve the SDGs. The session will help Socially focused organizations determine whether “hosting” a Co-Lab would assist them in leapfrogging their work through...