Catalysing Change Week | 1–5 May 2023

Solutions from the Frontlines

Empathy Project

11 May 2022 | 09:00 - 13:00 CEST
Online/offline hybrid regional and country events

Responsible Ecosystem” is a term used by SociopreneurID to describe a future society where everyone will take a role to improve their surroundings. People in this society will be responsible not only to themselves but also to other people and, the Planet. However, the responsible Ecosystem is only possible by creating ‘Empathy’ first. “Empathy will change one’s perception to tackle various problems around them, it encourages them to involve and be a part of the solution. We believe if they practice it regularly, they will create positive impacts on other people and the Planet. Thus, if a pool of like-minded people shares the same thought and take actions collectively, they will change the world.” This is Raison d’Etre of the Empathy Project. Empathy Project developed as a series of programs to invite everyone to work collaboratively to solve a specific issue. Thus, this session will provide knowledge about what is Empathy Project? How does it work? Who works on it? and who are the actors? But the most important is to share our thoughts about Empathy and its importance from different perspectives. About Empathy Project Since its first launch in 2018, Empathy Project has been delivered in 4 different regions in Indonesia. More than 3,670 learners have participated in the program ranging from children to adults, over 400 people have involved as facilitators and/or volunteers, and more than 670 stakeholders (academics, business, government, and society) have taken respective roles to achieve the shared goal. When the pandemic Covid-19 hit Indonesia in March 2020, SociopreneurID created the Virtual Empathy Project by bringing together professionals who have more than 8 years of expertise and youths to virtually work together and produce online learning materials for children whose learning process is affected by the pandemic. 4 batches of Virtual Empathy Projects have been delivered with 300+ experts and youth volunteers who have invested over 15,000 volunteering hours to produce 50+ educational contents that can be accessed for free. In March 2022, SociopreneurID delivered a hybrid model of Empathy Project in collaboration with government of Solok City, West Sumatera, focusing on four sectors: education, MSMEs, tourism, and youth development. More than 1,270 learners engaged in online and offline educational activities, over 150 facilitators and/or volunteers and more than 60 stakeholders involved.

The hosts

Dessy Aliandrina Donni Hadi Waluyo Her Suharyanto Niki Prastomo Ida Bagus Kade Syumanjaya

Sustainable development goals

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal GOAL 4: Quality Education

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