This session will be held with university professors and students to discuss local awareness to the SDGs and the power of the people's report to empower people and inform government, private sector and UN. Speakers' bios: 1. Rana Dajani: Professor of molecular cell...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
The Global WE: Mobilisation around our shared humanity
Amidst increasing geo-political conflicts, a rise in religious fanatism, widening wealth gaps, and the realities of entrenched racism, we are subject to an underlying crisis that threatens social justice – fractured relationships and indifference to suffering. We may...
Vključevanje v cilje trajnostnega razvoja 2030
Lanska rast BDP v evrskem obmocju in EU je po tretji oceni 5,3-odstotna, je objavil Eurostat. Lanska 5,3-odstotna gospodarska rast v evrskem obmocju in celotni uniji sledi 6,4-odstotnemu koronskemu padcu v 2020 v obmocju skupne valute in 5,9-odstotnemu zmanjsanju v...
Community Collaboration: The Key Role of Local Government as a Catalyst
The complexity of the SDGs requires the prioritization of systems and project collaboration over silos. Government, business, social profits, and citizens working together are especially important at the community level to ensure global issues are localized. A...
The Privilege Framework – prototyping of a community-driven and response tool
An interactive live demonstration of The Privilege Framework - a universally applicable open source community-driven assessment tool. Social entrepreneurs are aware that people have privilege when they are able to live with dignity. Inequity is measured by the numbers...
Young People from Fringe Communities Reflect on SDGs 3, 4, 5, and 10.
1. Present the purpose of the survey and the emerging trends from the pilot. 2. Share collaborative experiences. 3. Identify willing collaborators. 4. Create an IBG for the report.
Earned Value vs. Earned Income
Gain new insights on the means and methods for unlocking the economic value of effective social innovation and leveraging that value to reduce the dependency on grants and donations and produce a more sustainable social benefit organisation.
Data Management -101: Structured Approach
The main objective of the session is to focus on giving a guide to organizations specifically not for profits, corporates, HNI institutions working in the development sector to decide on how to start on their data management journey. This includes: 1) Establishing...
Beyond the Bounds of your Organization: Systems Influencing & Why it Matters!
To use a systems led approach to drive your organisation’s strategy and approach to the HOW of what you do include wide listening, non-inear approach, multi-perspective teams with lived experiences, sharing beyond the bounds of your organisation and connections. Since...
Funding the First Mile
Catalyst 2030 and the Sankalp Forum are collaborating on tackling the financial and non-financial needs when it comes to financing first mile interventions. From grants to debt and equity the approaches can be varied. Come to this session to hear from those funding...