We will use systems thinking tools (mapping, leverage points, co-creation) to highlight the influential factors at play, then to identify relevant leverage points and to innovate implementable solutions. The participants in the workshop will be from the Meraki People...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Nutrition Security; School and Community collaboration
Showcasing a model on Young people led nutrition security project. - Thoughts and inputs of practitioners from the field. - Thoughts and inputs of experts from UN agencies. - Thoughts and inputs of Government officers.
Why lead with half your power?
The prevailing leadership paradigm overemphasizes masculine values such as confidence, competition and decisiveness, often neglecting vulnerability, collaboration and openness; and focuses primarily on an outside-in, competency-based approach. This practicum aims to...
Social enterprise landscape snapshot in ASEAN: reflections and actions
Social enterprise spaces are at very different stages and vary tremendously from one ASEAN country to the other. This space is often subject to a variety of barriers that C2030 ASEAN Chapter wants to collectively better understand, so that cross country collaboration...
Tātau Tātau – Together as One (Local and Global indigenous FN community)
Collaboration, community, indigenous SE voices, places to engage. This will be an interactive gathering and discourse on contributing to one's environment and how we can connect to further our contribution. 1. First half of session: Tatau Tatau showing our indigenous...
Pivot to Purpose: Balancing People, Planet and Profit
The workshop includes: identify your own sense of purpose (IKIGAI); identify how aligned your work and business are, mapping a journey of integration and alignment of personal and professional purpose. Introducing the sustainable development goals; - introducing...
Space and Sustainability Workshop
In line with the 2022 World Space Week's theme of Space and Sustainability, AstroX will hold a workshop for industry players to discuss the linkage between SDG goals and the space industry. The workshop will include a call for action session for participants. The main...
COVID-19 Catalyzing Recovery of Social and Community Enterprises
Catalyzing Recovery of Social and Community Enterprises for Transformation (CRESCENT): A Global Initiative for Social Enterprise Recovery and Innovation Call to Action Set-up a global program and fund to assist social enterprises and their marginalized stakeholders to...
Social Entrepreneurship in Nepal: Policy Landscape & Way Forward
Share briefly about the social enterprise landscape in Nepal.
Resilience and Crisis: Developing an Adaptive Mindset for Social Innovation
Rasha Abu Safieh is Catalyst2030 Aotearoa New Zealand chapter co-chair, Edmund Hillary Fellow, Time Magazine Next Generation Leader 2018, co-founder of the first IT impact-sourcing social enterprise in Palestine, social entrepreneur, innovator, change-maker, mother,...