Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024

The new paradigm of IT solutions in the Humanitarian sector

Humanitarian organisations need to be able to adapt quickly and react swiftly to rapidly evolving environments. They often face great challenges setting up tools and systems flexible enough to adapt to various projects, emergencies, countries, etc. In these systems,...

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Boundaries in Networks

How can network boundaries be porous while maintaining purpose and identity? Networks are everywhere we look. Increasingly we find ourselves engaged in many, at the local and global levels. Though these can have overlapping interests and purposes – and sometimes even...

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Impact evaluation issues: A solution-seeking workshop

Impact evaluation for understanding SDG related interventions is still non-conclusive. This session invites different stakeholder groups who have direct experience in measuring or supporting impact evaluation to engage in intensive breakout sessions. They will...

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Systems Change Strategy Development (Training)

This session is based on the Ashoka Globalizer systems change approach and will present as well as kick-start a training on the newly published open source Ashoka Systems Change Masterclass. You will take away ideas about how to start crafting your own systems change...

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