Funding systems change and transformation requires a fundament innovation in financing. The basic goal is to greatly increase the financing scale and ease of access, while baking in equity. But this requires new metrics, new ways to aggregate and blend various sources...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Catalyst 2030 Honest Broker Strategy
Sharing Catalyst 2030’s ‘honest broker’ approach to shift the current funding ecosystem. The current ecosystem fails to address the complexity, scale and time horizons associated with systems change. There are millions of individuals and organisations worldwide...
Innovations for Economic Paradigm Shift
Socialism-capitalism-communism are 19th century approaches to economies. Social entrepreneurs are producing an eruption of new approaches to economies, with labels such as regenerative-, circular-, doughnut-, buen vivir, and well being. They are ushering in a huge...
Lessons from Innovators working on Indigenous Canadian programming
In the same year that the Sustainable Development Goals were launched, a groundbreaking community-led innovation summit which brought together both Indigenous and non-Indigenous social innovators, youth, elders, and individuals from across Canada highlighted the...
The Role of Higher Education in Addressing the Global Refugee Crisis
"Inclusive Internationalization and the Role of Higher Education in Addressing the Global Refugee Crisis" Universities are sites for knowledge creation and mobilization. They are centers where education can transition to awareness building and advocacy, with potential...
Innovación educativa y ODS en América Latina
Panel con expertos en innovación educativa e intercambio de experiencias de los miembros.
The Role of Indigenous Artists and Filmmakers in Achieving the SDGs
Although Canada was recently designated the 6th richest country in the world by McKenzie and Company, it stands 21st in its progress on achieving the SDGs. One of the biggest reasons for this lag has been the treatment of Canada’s minorities and Indigenous peoples who...
Aprendizajes y éxitos en Procesos de Impacto Colaborativo en América Latina
An opportunity to learn about collaboration benchmarks in LA and share good practices for the development of collective impact vehicles.
Mitos y verdades sobre la Transformación Digital en el sector social
Generar una conversación alrededor de la importancia de la adopción tecnológica en el sector social para generar cambios exponenciales. La sesión estará estructurada alrededor de algunos mitos y verdades sobre los procesos de adopción de tecnología y buscará dar...
Cómo impacta la migración en el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina
Session will be held in spanish with english translation. Esta sesión aborda las experiencias exitosas para promover la integración de los migrantes y refugiados y el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina. This session adresses the succesful experiencies to...