Rural eco systems have huge human potential locked in, this can be enriched and empowered to create great value. Identifying what is valuable in the rural offerings. How can this value be unlocked? How to bring together the right ingredients to build the perfect recipe.
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Turning Your Education Into Decent Jobs
My session will be a hands-on one that will help participants finally discover their hidden stories, skills and unknown personal assets (awareness). Then how to sharpen, groom and develop their skills and talents (grooming). Lastly, they will learn how to connect...
Economic Resilience as the Pivot for Gender, Climate, Equity
Industree is hosting a virtual session at Catalysing Change Week on May 12, 2022, anchored with the support from USAID, moderated to gather best practices, perspectives and solutions for ensuring the successful integration of gender, climate and equity components and...
Co-creating a financing solutions ecosystem for Social Enterprises that works
This session presents the idea of utilizing a collaboration and network-building technology platform to support the Catalyst ecosystem. The session will draw on the expertise and experience of panellists to demonstrate that collaboration across different segments of...
SDG Zero Creating entrepreneurs in under-served communities
SDGZero envisions a bottom-up approach with local communities being equipped to solve their SDG problems with training and local ecosystem creation. A recent survey by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor highlights the failure of entrepreneurship education in school and...
The role of human capital in creating and accelerating social impact
This 60-minute session is both an informative session and a workshop to discuss and co-create best practices for recruitment and human capital challenges, for growth, expansion and scale up. The first half starts with a social entrepreneur describing their own...
Regenerative Architecture for Cities
We want to present 10 Principles of Regenerative Architecture and how it will help the growth of our cities, more connected with nature, earth and life. We are looking forward to building communities aligned with regeneration and working on it. We want to hear...
Catalyst 2030 Liberia Chapter Launch
Official Chapter Launch
Introduction to American African Entrepreneurship & Investments
Key notes - Introduction to Entrepreneurship - America-Africa investments - How can we accelerate the SDGs through empowering young entrepreneurs?
Empowering African youth with skills for current and future jobs
Transforming vulnerable youth to prosperity through innovation and skills for current and future labour markets.