Sesión educativa sobre los diversos impactos climáticos que ocurren en Puerto Rico y cómo afectan la salud pública. Se brindarán recomendaciones sobre cómo mitigar, prevenir y responder al cambio climático en el contexto caribeño. Se vislumbra que el profesor de Salud...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Ubuntu Leadership – Africa’s Gift to the SDG’s
A dialogue with Prof John Volmink on the powerful philosophy and practice of Ubuntu Leadership, the spaces where it is manifesting, and its relevance to our current world circumstances. How the practice of Ubuntu Leadership is an embodiment of civic consciousness, and...
Youth Social Innovation in Emerging Markets: A Case Study from Kenya & Haiti
The key to accelerating social change in emerging markets lies in leveraging the abundance of resources that already exist within those contexts. Among these are young people’s passion and innovative ideas for developing their communities. This interactive panel...
Impact Happy Ideas for The Great Reset
As we enter a unique phase in the timeline of evolution of our species, join Impact Action Group lead Gautam Malik and an expert panel of speakers in a discussion on how their work creates positive impact by addressing SDGs on gender equality, responsible consumption...
#WASHPAP2030 – Youth Leadership For Solving Global Challenges
Over the past year and a half, youth leaders involved with the OneShared.World movement have taken the lead in addressing one of the world's most pressing issues - the intersection of WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) with PAP (pandemic protection). Having...
Water, A Rising Tide on the Global Agenda
Water, A Rising Tide on the Global Agenda: For many people, the global water crisis presents itself as both an economic and humanitarian crisis—an unmitigated risk to global supply chains, profits, and the well-being of communities and populations around the world.
Journée d’Assainissement et d’enlèvement des points noirs dans Conakry
En collaboration avec les autorités communales, administratives locales, les leaders religieux et d'opinions; les ONGS locales, nous procèderons à la sensibilisation de masse et porte à porte de la population de la commune afin de prendre conscience des méfaits de...
Food Security as a byproduct of environmental stewardship
The medium-term development goal of the project is to enhance the ability of communities to increase and sustain agricultural production for improved household food security, nutrition and income generation while at the same time safeguarding the environment by...