Industree is hosting a virtual session at Catalysing Change Week on May 12, 2022, anchored with the support from USAID, moderated to gather best practices, perspectives and solutions for ensuring the successful integration of gender, climate and equity components and...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
The bicycle hub – creating social bicycle enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa
Velafrica has been exporting bicycles since 1993. At the beginning, we shipped 1-2 containers to loose networks of small local bicycle trader. From 2015, we developed the “social bicycle hub model” with local bike-pioneers to growth and develop the bicycle market in...
Environment Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation
OUTLINE OF KEY TOPICS Climate change/ Climate change adaptation and its context 1.What is climate change 2.What causes climate change 3.How climate change affect farmers in Tanzania 4.How climate change affect agro-ecological zones in Tanzania 5.How climate change...
SDG Youth Wave
An Australasia/Kenya/USA collaboration proposal for the 2022 Catalysing Change Week, inspired by the Mexican Wave, to highlight our global young changemakers. Youth groups from chapters would present their SDGs initiatives to a wider audience and then pass the baton...
Catalyst 2030 Liberia Chapter Launch
Official Chapter Launch
Capacity Building for students in Kyangwali Refugee settlement.
Our event involves capacity building for students in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. These are students starting from Primary 5 to S.6. For a long time, students in the refugee settlement have had no access to capacity building and also face major problems in choosing...
Impacto da Pandemia nas Mulheres e Resposta das Organizações Sociais
Segundo o IBGE, 63% dos domicílios abaixo da linha de pobreza são chefiados por mulheres. Na pandemia a situação dessa parcela da sociedade piorou. Conforme pesquisa realizada do Instituto RME, 42% das empreendedoras tiveram seus pedidos de crédito negados. Aquelas...
Colaboração para a geração de emprego e renda
Um dos grandes desafios de nossos tempos é a inclusão produtiva e a geração de emprego e renda, um dos caminhos para a redução das desigualdades e justiça social. Problema complexo, exige o comprometimento do setor público, empresarial e sociedade civil. Colaboração...
Inclusive education in multilingual and multicultural settings
Inclusive education in multilingual and multicultural settings is at the top of the agenda in many regions of the world. The conversation will be concentrated around the preparation and professional development of teachers at schools and how they can ensure the...