The session will feature a defined roadmap of Kijiji Yeetu's work on the SDGs and the utility of the Digital Smart Village platform. It will also discuss an inspiring project supporting community-based SDG practice and digital technology in Kenya. Shared practices,...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Basic Systems Perspective – Towards a Shared Understanding of Learning Ecosystem
This workshop will provide an opportunity to dive a little deeper into the question of learning ecosystems in South Africa. We will use the theory of sequential mapping exercise to discuss the accessibility and feasibility of implementing a learning ecosystem.
Volunteerism and SDGs in northern Nigeria
The session's goal is to reintroduce participants to the Sustainable Development Goals and to discuss the importance of voluntarism in achieving the SDGs. It will concentrate on how individuals can amplify the goals as well as how individual action can lead to the...
Capacity Building for students in Kyangwali Refugee settlement.
Our event involves capacity building for students in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. These are students starting from Primary 5 to S.6. For a long time, students in the refugee settlement have had no access to capacity building and also face major problems in choosing...
Food Security as a byproduct of environmental stewardship
The medium-term development goal of the project is to enhance the ability of communities to increase and sustain agricultural production for improved household food security, nutrition and income generation while at the same time safeguarding the environment by...
Empowering African youth with skills for current and future jobs
Transforming vulnerable youth to prosperity through innovation and skills for current and future labour markets.
Understanding how to transform the world and organizations through a game!
Play the SIB Game; Learn about the SDGs through innovative solutions around the world; Process of creating ideas for world's socio-environmental problems related to the organization's strategy; Update on the world's current challenges and how we can solve them.
Inclusive education in multilingual and multicultural settings
Inclusive education in multilingual and multicultural settings is at the top of the agenda in many regions of the world. The conversation will be concentrated around the preparation and professional development of teachers at schools and how they can ensure the...
Sharing Social Innovation Best Practices: Teaching & Training Resources for SE
First educators from around the world will share best practices and experiential learning opportunities to engage students and community members to learn social entrepreneurship concepts. To curate knowledge and existing resources, the Catalyst 2030 partnered with...