Velafrica has been exporting bicycles since 1993. At the beginning, we shipped 1-2 containers to loose networks of small local bicycle trader. From 2015, we developed the “social bicycle hub model” with local bike-pioneers to growth and develop the bicycle market in...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Introduction to American African Entrepreneurship & Investments
Key notes - Introduction to Entrepreneurship - America-Africa investments - How can we accelerate the SDGs through empowering young entrepreneurs?
Activating Digital Smart Villages and SDGs in Kenya
The session will feature a defined roadmap of Kijiji Yeetu's work on the SDGs and the utility of the Digital Smart Village platform. It will also discuss an inspiring project supporting community-based SDG practice and digital technology in Kenya. Shared practices,...
Food Security as a byproduct of environmental stewardship
The medium-term development goal of the project is to enhance the ability of communities to increase and sustain agricultural production for improved household food security, nutrition and income generation while at the same time safeguarding the environment by...