Facilitar el intercambio de buenas experiencias a nivel regional latinoamericano que nos permitan entender cuáles son esas rutas normativas y políticas para habilitar el crecimiento de la economía circular en Latinoamérica.
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Loving Me More by The Power of the Heels
Leadership in women begins with the empowerment of adolescent girls. The empowerment of women is directly linked to the independence and success of each one. The access to resources will allow for the growth in her practice of political, social and economic...
When We Thrive, Our World Thrives – Stories of Young People from India
A critical lens missing from most education reform narratives, particularly in India, is cildhood adversity and how education ecosystems need to transform, adapt and be better prepared to respond to this fundamental challenge. However, young people have tremendous...
Towards a Learning Team model of teaching and learning
Practitioners, funders and researchers will discuss this model from a practical perspective considering - What will it take to implement this model at scale and what evidence should we be gathering to get governments to take this model seeriously.
Systems Change in Action: Decolonising Aid & Philanthropy
The Chandler Foundation and Adeso's session at Catalysing Change Week will explore the theme of Action. We welcome all ideas, feedback, and partnership. Systems Change in Action: Decolonising Aid & Philanthropy Severe disparities exist in the funding structures that...
Lessons from Innovators working on Indigenous Canadian programming
In the same year that the Sustainable Development Goals were launched, a groundbreaking community-led innovation summit which brought together both Indigenous and non-Indigenous social innovators, youth, elders, and individuals from across Canada highlighted the...
The Role of Indigenous Artists and Filmmakers in Achieving the SDGs
Although Canada was recently designated the 6th richest country in the world by McKenzie and Company, it stands 21st in its progress on achieving the SDGs. One of the biggest reasons for this lag has been the treatment of Canada’s minorities and Indigenous peoples who...
The Role of Higher Education in Addressing the Global Refugee Crisis
"Inclusive Internationalization and the Role of Higher Education in Addressing the Global Refugee Crisis" Universities are sites for knowledge creation and mobilization. They are centers where education can transition to awareness building and advocacy, with potential...
Cómo impacta la migración en el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina
Session will be held in spanish with english translation. Esta sesión aborda las experiencias exitosas para promover la integración de los migrantes y refugiados y el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina. This session adresses the succesful experiencies to...
Alimentemos la integración
El modelo de integración de la Fundación Comparte por una vida Colombia, “Quédate en la Escuela”, tiene como propósito contribuir a la estabilización de los flujos migratorios mixtos y comunidades de acogida a través de un modelo integral con enfoque derechos,...