In the same year that the Sustainable Development Goals were launched, a groundbreaking community-led innovation summit which brought together both Indigenous and non-Indigenous social innovators, youth, elders, and individuals from across Canada highlighted the...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Innovación educativa y ODS en América Latina
Panel con expertos en innovación educativa e intercambio de experiencias de los miembros.
The Role of Indigenous Artists and Filmmakers in Achieving the SDGs
Although Canada was recently designated the 6th richest country in the world by McKenzie and Company, it stands 21st in its progress on achieving the SDGs. One of the biggest reasons for this lag has been the treatment of Canada’s minorities and Indigenous peoples who...
Aprendizajes y éxitos en Procesos de Impacto Colaborativo en América Latina
An opportunity to learn about collaboration benchmarks in LA and share good practices for the development of collective impact vehicles.
Cómo impacta la migración en el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina
Session will be held in spanish with english translation. Esta sesión aborda las experiencias exitosas para promover la integración de los migrantes y refugiados y el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina. This session adresses the succesful experiencies to...
Humanizing DEI
Joint session with the event "10 days of connection" hosted by Radical Partners
Cambio Climática y Salud Pública | Puerto Rico y la Agenda 2030
Sesión educativa sobre los diversos impactos climáticos que ocurren en Puerto Rico y cómo afectan la salud pública. Se brindarán recomendaciones sobre cómo mitigar, prevenir y responder al cambio climático en el contexto caribeño. Se vislumbra que el profesor de Salud...
Retos y Oportunidades Comunitarias para un Desarrollo Sostenible
En esta sesión fomentaremos una mesa redonda para exponer los resultados encontrados en los foros comunitarios realizados por "La Alianza Hispana para la Investigación Clínica y Traslacional en Puerto Rico". En la actividad se presentarán estrategias en políticas...
International Academy of Trial Lawyers Youth Restorative Justice Initiative
The IATL Academy has created a comprehensive model for Youth Restorative Justice, including best practices and policies for schools, police, county and courts, and promotes sharing of best practices with its Fellows to create and enable change in their own...
Digital Dialogue for Trans Women Entrepreneurs
This will be an advocacy dialogue to mobilize stake holders for the inclusion of transgender women in economic empowerment through entrepreneurship