We believe that a better world is possible, a world with universal access to essential healthcare, reduced inequality, more sustainable food supplies, transformed educational systems, and a greater emphasis on the long-term health of our planet. To achieve this, we...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Catalysing for a better community
1. Mental health talk 2. Climate change action 3. Funding opportunities 4. Fight against GBV and discrimination 5. Training of the survivors in entrepreneurship skills. 6. Access to clean WASH
Don’t Miss the Boat: How Funding Mental Health Can Add Impact to Your Portfolio
Funding global mental health initiatives has an exponential impact on communities by advancing meaningful change in the issues that matter deeply to us: human rights, education, gender equity, workforce development, and more. A session featuring pioneering funders and...
Integrating Mental Health to Achieve the SDGs: Intersectoral approaches
The role of mental health is critical to advancing meaningful change in the issues that matter deeply to us: human rights, education, gender equity, workforce development, and more. Join us for a session featuring practitioner leaders in Bangladesh, Ghana, and the...
Advance SDG 3: Good Health & Well-being with Digital Solutions for Mental Health
We will describe why and how Dimagi is developing digital solutions to improve mental health and wellbeing in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), and outline the needs for more resources and collaborations in this area. There is a staggering unmet need for...
Sri Lanka Bee Honey – From a forest full of a medicine
Walking into a Sri Lankan forest is like walking into a medicine cabinet. so said a farmer. And this is true because 1. There is immense bio diversity in such a small space 2. So much of our plant life has medicinal benefits, which supported the indigenous 'Hela...
Cambio Climática y Salud Pública | Puerto Rico y la Agenda 2030
Sesión educativa sobre los diversos impactos climáticos que ocurren en Puerto Rico y cómo afectan la salud pública. Se brindarán recomendaciones sobre cómo mitigar, prevenir y responder al cambio climático en el contexto caribeño. Se vislumbra que el profesor de Salud...
Foros sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en Puerto Rico
Se presentarán varios foros enmarcados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en el contexto de Puerto Rico y con un enfoque en los determinantes sociales de la salud y la promoción de la salud. Los foros permitirán educar e informar sobre los avances de los ODS en...
Engaging private sector towards addressing malnutrition
Increasingly, the dialogue on the multi-dimensional issues around malnutrition have started recognizing the need for cross-sectoral approaches- including the role of the private sector. There has been an increase in the involvement of the private sector in improving...
The Practice of Mind Body Movement – Leaning into our Full Intelligence
Susan Sloane will share some powerful insights into the practice and benefits of Mind Body Movement, its historic practices and uses, as well as a practical experience of some of these practices (such as the 13 joints activation activity) to provide participants with...