Roundtable discussion with industry experts about the future of footwear and fashion waste management. Starting with a virtual presentation including slides of current fashion footwear trends, discovering sustainable efforts, recognising problems in the manufacture of...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Redefining Education
A Fireside Chat on how strategic cross-sector collaborations can shift education. How can different stakeholders work together, what are the principles needed for redefining education and how can collaboration make this a reality?
Making Local Central in Disaster Readiness, Response and Recovery
The 'Disaster Node' of Catalyst2030 has identified the opportunity to engage the local assets and capabilities of social entrepreneurs to improve the effectiveness of disaster readiness, response and recovery. We are seeking to create a bridgehead collaboration across...
Catalysing for a better community
1. Mental health talk 2. Climate change action 3. Funding opportunities 4. Fight against GBV and discrimination 5. Training of the survivors in entrepreneurship skills. 6. Access to clean WASH
Catalyst Co-Labs Ignite Collaboration
What is a Co-Lab? How can you use the Co-Labs model for igniting collaboration across an extensive network to solve the SDGs. The session will help Socially focused organizations determine whether “hosting” a Co-Lab would assist them in leapfrogging their work through...
Don’t Miss the Boat: How Funding Mental Health Can Add Impact to Your Portfolio
Funding global mental health initiatives has an exponential impact on communities by advancing meaningful change in the issues that matter deeply to us: human rights, education, gender equity, workforce development, and more. A session featuring pioneering funders and...
Integrating Mental Health to Achieve the SDGs: Intersectoral approaches
The role of mental health is critical to advancing meaningful change in the issues that matter deeply to us: human rights, education, gender equity, workforce development, and more. Join us for a session featuring practitioner leaders in Bangladesh, Ghana, and the...
Advance SDG 3: Good Health & Well-being with Digital Solutions for Mental Health
We will describe why and how Dimagi is developing digital solutions to improve mental health and wellbeing in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), and outline the needs for more resources and collaborations in this area. There is a staggering unmet need for...
Creating the biggest collective impact platform for gender equality
Share learnings from Bridge Institute's collective impact programme to stop gender-based violence. This programme, called the Kalinga Fellowship, has been running for 4 years in India bringing together the state, market and society to act on solutions that emerge...
Exploring a practical new operating model for sustainable development
This session is based on 2 years' research, which has identified the efficiency opportunities from doing development differently: relieve hunger, reduce poverty and help build sustainable communities. The stories we have gathered demonstrate the multiplier in...