Accountability in education systems. Effective education for personal development and learning. Importance of non-formal education to decrease illiteracy. Collaborations and partnerships in the education system
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
Circularity in Fashion: Incorporating Social and Inclusive Narratives
A gender lens approach in circularity can greatly benefit companies to identify solutions that can help them move toward SDG12, while also focusing on SDG5 and SDG8 and contributing to SDG1 and SDG 9. A great deal of importance has been given to understanding the...
Sri Lanka Bee Honey – From a forest full of a medicine
Walking into a Sri Lankan forest is like walking into a medicine cabinet. so said a farmer. And this is true because 1. There is immense bio diversity in such a small space 2. So much of our plant life has medicinal benefits, which supported the indigenous 'Hela...
Follow up to the Future of Education Report with Youth Empowerment Circles
The Dais & #LearningPlanet are hosting an interaction and exchange of ideas on the Future of Education Report and the role of young people in the future of education with the Youth Council and participants in The Dais Global Voices Model United Nations Conference...
Involving Boys and Men in Initiatives towards Gender Justice
Enabled by a Collaborative grant from Ashoka's Changemakers initiative, three female Ashoka fellows collaborated to create digital tools to showcase why a gender-just world means freedom for everyone, boys and men included. This session will share the lessons learnt...
Towards a Learning Team model of teaching and learning
Practitioners, funders and researchers will discuss this model from a practical perspective considering - What will it take to implement this model at scale and what evidence should we be gathering to get governments to take this model seeriously.
Catalysing Funders
How can we create a philanthropic funding system that catalyses systemic change? This session will spotlight and launch two Catalyst 2030 initiatives that are shifting the needle towards a new funding paradigm. These are the NGO Call-to-Action Open Letter and the...
Indigenous systems thinking, SDGs interconnectedness & funding systems change
Building on the momentum and success of the Social Enterprise, Complexity and Systems Change Day held in March, we are pleased to announce that we are holding another one-day event on May 9th: the first day of Catalyst 2030’s Catalysing Change Week. The theme of this...
The Impact of Funding Systems Change: the lived experience of a recipient
In this session, we will review Mona’s funding principles as advocated in “Embracing Complexity” Report, and then have Dr. Urvashi Sahni, the founder and the CEO of Study Hall Educational Foundation, India, share her experience with our approach and how our funding...
Equipping APAC funders with systems change capacity
Explore systems change with peer funders in the APAC and equip you and your team in systems capacity to effect lasting change! In 2021, the School of System Change set out to build an online learning experience for funders in the US, UK, and Europe around systems...