Coming up soon
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
People’s Report as a Pedagogy Tool for University Awareness to SDGs
This session will be held with university professors and students to discuss local awareness to the SDGs and the power of the people's report to empower people and inform government, private sector and UN. Speakers' bios: 1. Rana Dajani: Professor of molecular cell...
Humanizing DEI
Joint session with the event "10 days of connection" hosted by Radical Partners
Inclusivity in Education and Economic Empowerment
A 1.5-hour hybrid forum will be organised with a panel of speakers both local and foreign coming from the social, private, public and education sectors. Concurrently, a market place featuring the works of various local NGOs, NPOs and Social Enterprises that are...
Voices of Nature in Human decision making
What are practices are participants aware of that can bring the voice of nature into human decision making? These can be rituals, methods, tools, etc.
The bicycle hub – creating social bicycle enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa
Velafrica has been exporting bicycles since 1993. At the beginning, we shipped 1-2 containers to loose networks of small local bicycle trader. From 2015, we developed the “social bicycle hub model” with local bike-pioneers to growth and develop the bicycle market in...
Catalyst 2030 Liberia Chapter Launch
Official Chapter Launch
Catalyst 2030 Kenya Chapter Launch
A celebration of Kenya's entrepreneurs blended into a three-hour event. It will be attended by local and global members and will be a combination of three activities 1. Presentation of the Kenya Action Plan 2022 2. Virtual Panel discussion on the launch theme – Can...