In this session, we will review Mona’s funding principles as advocated in “Embracing Complexity” Report, and then have Dr. Urvashi Sahni, the founder and the CEO of Study Hall Educational Foundation, India, share her experience with our approach and how our funding...
Catalyst 2030's
Catalysing Change Week 2024
Building the Social Innovation Sector
6 - 10 May 2024
The Role of Higher Education in Addressing the Global Refugee Crisis
"Inclusive Internationalization and the Role of Higher Education in Addressing the Global Refugee Crisis" Universities are sites for knowledge creation and mobilization. They are centers where education can transition to awareness building and advocacy, with potential...
Innovación educativa y ODS en América Latina
Panel con expertos en innovación educativa e intercambio de experiencias de los miembros.
Aprendizajes y éxitos en Procesos de Impacto Colaborativo en América Latina
An opportunity to learn about collaboration benchmarks in LA and share good practices for the development of collective impact vehicles.
Cómo impacta la migración en el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina
Session will be held in spanish with english translation. Esta sesión aborda las experiencias exitosas para promover la integración de los migrantes y refugiados y el cumplimiento de los ODS en América Latina. This session adresses the succesful experiencies to...
Sesión de Cierre junto a Nuestra Escuelita
Las y los estudiantes de Nuestra Escuelita participarán de diversas actividades a cerca de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible previo a la actividad de cierre (sesión propuesta). El día de la sesión de cierre para la Semana de Cambio Catalizador se les invitará a...
Retos y Oportunidades Comunitarias para un Desarrollo Sostenible
En esta sesión fomentaremos una mesa redonda para exponer los resultados encontrados en los foros comunitarios realizados por "La Alianza Hispana para la Investigación Clínica y Traslacional en Puerto Rico". En la actividad se presentarán estrategias en políticas...
Ubuntu Leadership – Africa’s Gift to the SDG’s
A dialogue with Prof John Volmink on the powerful philosophy and practice of Ubuntu Leadership, the spaces where it is manifesting, and its relevance to our current world circumstances. How the practice of Ubuntu Leadership is an embodiment of civic consciousness, and...
How Films Can Tell a Story of a New World
It is well known that the climate crisis is causing a significant amount of challenges for the flora, fauna and people of planet earth. Across the globe however, those challenges are being confronted by role models, social entrepreneurs, and change-makers both at the...
Scaling across borders: Good practices and challenges to achieve the SDGs
ScaleChanger has been created following the observation that while many social and environmental solutions with compelling impact are emerging around the world, only a few manage to grow at a much larger scale to tackle significantly the problem that they are...