The session will highlight the enormous challenges Africa faces in addition to Covid, including government deficits, economic difficulties, high rates of unemployment, the mismanagement of ethnic diversity, competition over power and resources, civil society fragility and weak state institutions, ungoverned spaces within communities of young people and women, which leave room for illegal activities, the continued flow of weapons into the continent and their illicit circulation for mercenary activity towards illicit exploitation of natural resources for western markets, insurgencies and rebellions and control that facilitates transnational organized crime, illicit exploitation of natural resources. We will present a slideshow on how we are handling the crisis. There will be a question and answer session for participants interested in our concept and opportunities that could lead to south-north synergies and partnerships with our education concept. We are also contacting other Catalyst2030 members regarding collaboration in these areas.
Catalysing Change Week | 1–5 May 2023
Solutions from the Frontlines
Building opportunities from Adversity
10 May 2022 | 10:30 - 11:00
(Policy) Roundtable discussion
The hosts
Joshua Konkankoh
Sustainable development goals
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality