Catalysing Change Week | 1–5 May 2023

Solutions from the Frontlines

Africa Forward

11 May 2022 | 16:00 - 17:00 CEST
Panel Discussion

The collective communities of practice supporting systems change for thriving African Social Enterprises & their supporters towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for a renewed vision and partnership-driven commitment to reshape the evolving narrative, shift the social impact funding paradigm, embed principles of equity, resiliency and proximate power; showcase path-breaking initiatives and innovations, and further develop the social impact sector for the Africa we want. To rapidly accelerate an “African Forward Call to Action” that places African narratives at the heart of collaborative partnership-driven opportunities and lays out pathways for supporting the common purpose and shared value, we will: A. Showcase policy imperatives to create an enabling environment for Social Entrepreneurs to thrive; B. Give clear steps for donors, bilaterals, multilaterals and other partners who want to help scale impact for proximity Social Entrepreneurs across Africa; and C. Pool resources to scale impact for sustainable & mature ecosystems where the sector shares essential skills, services and taps into new connected networks. The launch of Africa’s Impact Leadership session is a co-created initiative informed by the contributions of Africa Chapter members.

The hosts

Ndidi Nwuneli (moderator) Wamuyu Mahinda James Mwangi Luvuyo Rani Patrick Awuah Nkanyiso Hlongwa Catherine Mwendwa Andy Bryant

Sustainable development goals

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