OUTLINE OF KEY TOPICS Climate change/ Climate change adaptation and its context 1.What is climate change 2.What causes climate change 3.How climate change affect farmers in Tanzania 4.How climate change affect agro-ecological zones in Tanzania 5.How climate change affects other sectors 6.What can we do about climate change? 7.What is climate change adaptation? MAIN TAKEAWAYS 1.Integrating climate change into the Organization strategic vision 2.Conduct a community climate change adaptation planning (Using Participatory Learning and Action) approach. 3.Developing an Organizational climate change strategy that is linked to NGO thematic areas and draw the necessary linkages between adaptation and mitigation particularly related to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation 4.Ensuring that women are mainstreamed in climate action programmes
Catalysing Change Week | 1–5 May 2023
Solutions from the Frontlines
Environment Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation
11 May 2022 | 10:30 - 11:30
Problem solving session/thematic workshop
The hosts
Stella Sabuhoro
Ernest Dyanka
Veronika Ambrose
Benedicto Mgongo
Joel Pesha
Sustainable development goals
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 5: Gender Equality